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GROOVER Review: THE RYAN EXPRESS ‘The Nightmare Is Life’

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Musical project The Ryan Express have released the track The Nightmare is Life, which is taken from the band’s album Underground.

Described as a bold heavy hard edge punk song written in the style of 90s alternative rock, The Nightmare Is Life starts casually enough, an off-tempo guitar riff blurring the lines of reality before a punk-tinged vocal barrage snarls and lurches into earshot in the vein of classic punk of yesteryear.

It is upbeat and quirky with sporadic timing changes adding to the nostalgic feel.

There’s no emotion nor light and shade in the vocals, rather a monotone type of delivery that fits well with the musical narration surrounding it. Part punk, part rock, part fuzz metal, all fun, The Nightmare Is Life is a mish-mash of colours that are all painted vividly and with striking clarity.

Yes, it is bleak throughout, but it also doesn’t pretend to be anything different. Life is murky and lacking depth sometimes, and The Ryan Express just happen to tap into that side of life musically.

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