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GROOVER Review: AMALGAMA ‘Dark Lacroix’

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Metal outfit Amalgama are on the verge of releasing their new album Mastermind and have elected to share the lead single Dark Lacroix with HEAVY and our listeners.

A tasty guitar intro revs up the drums before an almighty scream fills the void and the guitar soars majestically with an awesome lick that reverbs into the night.

The vocals kick in, and I am taken back a little by how clean and precise they are. After the opening salvo, I was expecting something harsher, but this is nice. Fucker can sing!

The guitar fires to life once more with that same awesome lick but doesn’t overstay its welcome, instead folding back into the mix to allow the powerful vocals to dominate. This is very harder-edged power metal stuff.

Normally I don’t warm to the soaring power metal type vocals, but this guy is an exception. I think it’s because he doesn’t sound like he is whinging because someone burnt the toast. Instead, he uses his vocal range to lay a sonic platform of intent that serves the band much better than a dreary whine.

After teasing us earlier, the guitar comes back with vengeance, ripping into a tough as fuck solo that ushers the tidal vocal strains back to the fore. These guys know how to construct a song and also know their strengths without deferring to them by default.

This makes the surprise bits better and unexpected, which spreads through the rest of the sonic in a beautiful display of harmonic balance.


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