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GROOVER Review: SYFF ‘Broken Record’

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Why do bands continually give me such scraps to work from when sending in music? This is all I got for this track… “Hi, we’re SYFF, a new hardcore/punk band from Koblenz, Germany. Enjoy our first song!”

Lucky I’m in a good mood tonight and will press on, but please, in future – and this is ALL BANDS – send through a biography and more information on the song and what you are doing with it!

A nice and rapidly intensifying guitar run kicks Broken Record in the guts and out to the real world, before equally aggressive and uncompromising vocals bark from the shadows and away we go.

No time at all for warm-ups or pleasantries here, SYFF mean business!

It’s basically a massive wall of noise but sounds awesome before a stuttering, almost alien-sounding sample kicks in towards the one-minute mark which is a strange but welcome intrusion.

This is soon replaced by the initial wave of apathy that introduced the track until a bit of guitar feedback signifies the end, and we are all done in less than one and a half minutes.

The film clip is intriguing in itself, featuring a lone figure waiting on the side of a quiet country road, waiting for the traffic lights to change and the green walking man to appear. He waits patiently, hands in pocket and no traffic to speak of until the light finally changes in his favor, and he steps out to cross.

Right at the precise time, a tow truck runs the red light and cleans the poor traveller up completely.

Fucken awesome video!

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