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GROOVER Review: RONAN FURLONG ‘Always Amazed’

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I just love me some Irish music, and the single Always Amazed from soloist Ronan Furlong sounds even better with the promise of Celtic Rock and classical elements.

It starts with a tasty guitar lick atop some steady drumming before the vocals ease in, soft yet firm in a promising fashion. There’s already some cleverly placed guitar runs bordering on solos that have all the fun and feel of a pint of Guinness at your local Irish bar.

It’s almost like a fable, weaving a sonic tapestry over light and carefree music that is impossible to resist.

The vocals aren’t overdone, allowing the instruments to take us on a merry dance, even slipping in a breakdown of sorts around the 2.24 mark that almost has me slapping my thighs.

The tempo quickens on the back of the drums before a nice guitar solo adds depth to the track. It’s an odd-sounding guitar tone that almost twangs, but it fits the vibe of the song beautifully as it frolics towards the end of the song with a well-timed instrumental finale that could possibly hold hints as to where to find that elusive pot of gold…

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