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GROOVER Review: OFF GRID ‘Blood On The Nile’

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Normally, just the thought of reviewing an instrumental track sends me running for the hills, but the promise of Middle Eastern vibes and energy in this new track from Off Grid has me intrigued enough to listen.

Starting with a softly woven tapestry of just those sounds, Blood On The Nile presents itself pleasantly enough, with a steady drum pattern soon emerging and to sweep us into a world of spicy guitar riffs with all the flavour of the Sahara Desert but with much less dust.

This track rolls on the back of the guitar riff, which provides a bountiful landscape from which the rest of the instrumentalization comes to life.

A nice little quitter breakdown just after the two-minute mark adds a sense of menace and excitement, with an assortment of sonic interludes scattered beautifully for maximum effect.

We are well more than halfway through the song already and the absence of vocals is not even a minor issue, with the ebb and flow of the musicality on offer enough to create mood and tension.

And then it arrives with greater urgency with a drum-inspired breakdown that adds more urgency and intent. It sounds a little like the rhythmic sounds of congas, but I might be wrong…

The guitars reclaim their dominance once more atop a myriad of eclectic instrumentalization compounded by a tasty guitar solo that inspires yet another mini breakdown before a screeching guitar note abruptly ends proceedings, leaving a definite sense of longing and abandonment that makes you want to hear more.

Reading through the bands’ bio, there are vocals on most tracks provided by May Shemtov, and if Off Grid sound this good without them, I am interested to hear what their songs sound like with.

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