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GRAVEMIND Share New Single ‘F.E.A.R.’

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Melbourne-based metal outfit Gravemind have shared their new single, F.E.A.R. featuring Jamie Hails of Polaris, and announce they will release their long-awaited new album, Introsphere on Friday, August 2 via Greyscale Records.

The heavy-hitting new single powers through violent impacts and charged-up vocal deliveries from both vocalist Bailey Schembri and Polaris’ Jamie Hails. F.E.A.R. explores themes of personal and societal decay, corruption and fear. “We use routine and vices to distract us from the fear of facing our inner demons, but ultimately they will reveal themselves.” says the band.

Society’s progression has been tainted by negativity and the hardships that come with existence. Our leaders have failed us, and we must face the destructive powers of fear on our own before it leads to our downfall.”

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