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The Eye Of The Storm With AGE OF EMERGENCE

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Newcastle progressive rock outfit Age Of Emergence are currently about halfway through a run of shows around Australia in support of their new EP The All Seeing Eye Part 1.

In a world where the core genres are starting to become more popular by the week, it is refreshing to see a band staying true to their core, unafraid of defying conventions by peddling their brand of rock.

Age Of Emergence have been plying their trade since forming in Newcastle back in 2013, releasing their first EP Plea For A Dying World four years later before following that up with The War Within Ourselves in 2020. Then, as happened the world over, the pandemic struck and halted the momentum AGE had been steadily building, but rather than succumb to the general bleakness engulfing the world, the band decided to turn their feelings into music with the result being The All Seeing Eye.

The EP also sees AGE welcome in new drummer Adam Clayton, with Adam joining vocals/bass Dean Holmes and guitarist Matt Neilson for a chat with HEAVY earlier today, starting with the early response to the new EP.

“No one has said anything so far,” Holmes laughed. “So, so far it’s been pretty positive. I guess most people seem to think it’s better or just as good as the stuff we’ve done previously.

People like the video clip we’ve done as well,” Clayton added. “It’s good to know that the effort is being appreciated.”

The sound is an improvement from what we were chasing,” Neilson chimed in.

“We used more of the current modern recording methods with this,” Holmes continued. “All the plug-ins and things like that and I can see why bands are using it now. It’s amazing. It’s like night and day.”

In the full interview, the guys talk more about the overall sound of the EP, run us through the four tracks individually, go over the lyrical make-up of the EP, elaborate on Part 2, discuss their current tour and future direction and more.

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