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Reward For Effort With MATT FACK From THE OMNIFIC

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We’ve just kind of expanded what we know.”

Matt Fack

Melbourne instrumental outfit The Omnific are a band who have managed to traverse the boundaries normally separating instrumental music from that with vocals, blending a variety of techniques and impossible-to-resist musical precision that appeals to all lovers of music.

Following the release of three groundbreaking EPs – Sonorous (2016), Kismet (2017), and The Minds Eye (2019) – The Omnific found themselves and their music reaching all corners of the globe, even attracting the attention of Clay Gober from Polyphia who featured on the single Antecedent from the band’s debut 2021 album Escapades.

In 2023, the group went from strength to strength; supporting Polyphia in Australia, and Ne Obliviscaris in Europe and North America, capping it off with a landmark 46-date world tour in support of single Phat Mackerel, including festivals Euroblast (DE), Reeperbahn (DE) and Bigsound (AU) before starting off 2024 supporting The Hu on home soil.

A major feature of their success has been an amalgamation of styles and genres which dives through prog, metal, djent, funk, synth-driven soundscapes, and more.

With their sophomore album The Law Of Augmenting Returns being unleashed yesterday, HEAVY caught up with one of two bass players, Matt Fack, to find out more. We start by asking about the album title, The Law Of Augmenting Returns.

“A lot of thought went into that,” Fack nodded, “because the whole concept was like, well, the law of diminishing returns seems to be a pretty common concept, mainly, I guess, in the commerce world. But in life, when you think about it, I guess, the more you do something, the less return you get from that. So I was trying to think, what could we sort of, I guess, due to like, be like, what’s the opposite? Like the more you do something, the more reward you get out of it.

And augmenting also relates to music, like diminished to augmented. So that fits to music as well. I guess you can say it’s got some cool meaning to it.”

We ask if there was any more pressure going into this album following the universal success of Escapades.

“I guess you can think about it like your own personal pressure,” he measured. “Like, I want to outdo myself from the prior record. I guess when it comes to just being creative… I wouldn’t say it’s like pressuring myself to do something, because it all kind of flows naturally when you’re feeling like in the moment. I’m just thrilled it sort of just came about as it did without putting pressure on ourselves.”

In the full interview, we discussed The Omnific‘s new album, The Law of Augmenting Returns, in greater detail. We talked about the concept behind the album title and the pressure associated with releasing a sophomore album. Matt also delved into the creative journey behind the album, discussing the process of incorporating live musicians and selecting singles, as well as the significance of their production team and the impact of guest spots on the album. He also provided insights into their upcoming European tour and plans for future performances, offering a comprehensive overview of their musical endeavours and creative aspirations.

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