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THE LAST MARTYR Drop New Song ‘The Nihilist’ To Celebrate East Coast Tour

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Melbourne cyberpop metalcore outfit The Last Martyr have unleashed their heaviest track to date, The Nihilist, before embarking on an East-Coast tour.

Featuring additional vocals from Brisbane emo rap artist, Rivilin, the dark electronic track serves a chorus that is both brutal and unhinged, juxtaposing heavy guitars and screams with open electronic verses. The lyrics delve into a doomsday cult narrative, where seduction and control intertwine in a chilling apocalypse. The warning of The Nihilist, is that in desperation, humans will cling to something – anything – in order to feel a sense of control.

The track starts from the perspective of a cult leader luring in new members, desperate for answers,” says vocalist Monica. “Rivilin’s parts are from someone being indoctrinated via a ritual that skews his vision until he can see a new world in front of him. Adding a guest vocalist was a last-minute decision we are so glad we made. Rivilin added so much depth to the story, which then inspired the artwork and visuals.”

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