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GROOVER Review: WITHIN A REVERIE ‘Mainline Cyanide’

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Orlando metal outfit Within A Reverie released their EP There’s Nothing To Hold Onto back on January 12, and as such have sent in the single Mainline Cyanide for us to check out.

Firing straight out of the gate with some tough as fuck sounding harsh vocals, Within A Reverie set a cracking pace from the outset, exploding with anger and intent amid a swirling cavalcade of music that closes in around you.

The metalcore element rears its head around the 50-second mark, as a softer bout of clean vocals offers up the lighter side of the track.

The music pulls back to accommodate, before an unexpectedly calm breakdown breaks the regular harsh/clean/harsh structure of the genre.

Which is a welcome change.

The harsh vocals return, this time adding more substance, following on the heels of the less aggressive cleans.

The contrasting styles work well together, offering a musical yin and yang and telling both sides of the story before a calm outro ends things on a less confrontational plain, with the lingering ferocity of what preceded still hanging thick in the air.

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