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We last heard from rock/punk outfit Grunner with the single Beneath The Pain, and the boys were so happy with the feedback that they have decided to send us in a couple more tracks to listen to!

The first of which is Today, which sounds like it could be a love song, but let’s have a listen and see…

While it does start with a gentle guitar riff, things soon expand into darker territory as the drums kick in with what could be a touch of strings?

Whatever it is, it sounds cool and acts as the perfect intro to a calming vocal delivery that has lashings of early Billie Joe Armstrong to it.

Yes, it is a love song of sorts, but it most definitely isn’t a ballad.

A delicate string breakdown halfway through is a nice touch, creating a sense of sorrow before the vocals slide back in, dripping with angst and discontentment.

It doesn’t sound like much is going right for the vocalist, as in, he is having a seriously bad hair day! But at least he tells us about it with a bit of mongrel instead of a dreary, by-the-numbers sad song.

A nice, soaring, drawn out vocal line brings things to a close, leaving a hint of sorrow and rejection lingering in the air without the usual bad taste that accompanies it.

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