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GROOVER Review: LOWEST FI ‘The Werewolf’

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Lowest Fi had simply this to say about their new single, The Werewolf. “It is an alternative rock tune that attracts werewolves, makes elves scream and inspires ghosts to dream.”

Which was more than enough to set me off howling at the moon.

The track starts exactly the opposite of what I was expecting, with a casual and slow-building piece of music that meanders out of the box rather than explode. But that’s my fault for going in with expectations, isn’t it…

Vocalist Miss Torsion has a strangely alluring sound, settled somewhere in between Marianne Faithful (look her up) and Courtney Love, but with far too much individual charm to blur the line between imitation and inspiration. It is seductive yet dangerous, with an underlying menace that proves irresistible to the ear.

Around the one-minute thirty mark, a brief breakdown threatens to send the cart spinning from the rails, but Miss Torsion soon steadies the ship and draws us back into her dark and foreboding world of sin.

Normally I would be getting bored with the steady and rhythmic ebb and flow of a song like this, but for some reason I’m not.

The emotions drawn out courtesy of the sinister score of The Werewolves is yet another reason to allow yourself to be swept away into a sea of sonic oblivion, but it’s hard to put your finger on what makes this song work as it does.

It doesn’t offer a multitude of breakdowns or tempo chops and changes like most music seems to provide these days. In fact, it offers little except for an honest and unremarkable grouping of musicality that grabs you by the senses and refuses to let go.

Until it finishes, and then you can do whatever the fuck you want…

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