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GROOVER Review: LEYKA ‘Sorrow’

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German metalcore outfit Leyka have just released the track Sorrow from their upcoming EP, and what better way to get acquainted with the band?

Generally the term metalcore makes me cringe, especially the current wave of bands who smash it out of the park with their harsh vocals and then fall well back in line with wishy-washy cleans, but Leyka explode out of the gates, allaying those fears for now at least.

After a short guitar lick intro, the vocals burst in with the intensity of a runaway train as guitars and drums pound relentlessly in the background.

I have no idea what he is saying, but his chops are on point.

And then it happens. A slight breakdown, which is usually the precursor for the whiny cleans. As I brace myself, Leyka surprise me for the first time by offering up a clean vocal section that actually compliments the harsh. Although much smoother because they are clean, this vocalist doesn’t sound like he is about to burst into tears, but more like he has something to say, and we had better listen.

Eventually, the two opposing vocals inhabit the same airspace and work well in tandem. And doesn’t it sound great!

An angsty clean breakdown changes the tempo slightly, despite the drums still being busy as fuck and the guitar and bass playing like they were sent for blood.

The harsh vocals return to the landscape to carry us through to the end and, even just momentarily, Leyka have restored my declining faith in metalcore.

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