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GROOVER Review: DOWN WITH MY DEMONS ‘The Mass Awakening’

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Down With My Demons is actually a solo project created by Netherlands-based artist Micha van der Vorst who describes the new song The Mass Awakening as “deeply rooted in my love for atmospheric vibes with a fusion of Doom, Death, and Symphonic Metal influences.”

I just love that word fusion, so after hitting play, I am struck immediately with said atmospherics that creep and swirl through the air like an ominous storm.

A stuttering intro soon reveals a clever drum pattern over a solid guitar riff that soon ushers in the sinister vocals that settle in nicely to a steady groove of sorts.

As the track progresses, so does the tempo, with the added urgency in the music translating to the vocals, which command more authority and respect.

A constantly wailing guitar run in the background serves as a majestic gateway into the inner mechanisms of the song that has more going on than what appears on the surface.

Double kicks fill the void and drive the tune along to even greater heights, until a softer score lurks menacingly in the distance, providing a light and shade musical texture that is different and interesting.

This song works best when it finds its mojo, the heavier and quicker moments providing meat and substance until a mini explosion reverberates to the song’s fading conclusion.

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