With the recent release of ‘Bury You Breathing’ Melbourne’s nu-metal merchants, Skorched are taking their music to the masses, breathing life back into a genre that had seemingly stagnated.
“It’s very much… obviously I’m not the singer so I can’t speak too much for it,” guitarist Adam said of the single, “but it’s very much like a mission statement of the band; not being ashamed to play a style of music that might be looked down upon by some people – very much a here we are, we’re not going away type of statement. We’ve had this song in the bank for a while – even before the E.P – and we tracked some vocals over it and liked it so we decided to put it out with a clip. Also to carry us over between our last E.P and our new release which will come out later this year. We need that content to keep going in the interim period.”
In the full interview, Adam discusses the history of Skorched, the importance of keeping new music out regularly, how to stay relevant in the modern musical climate, the resurgence of nu-metal as a genre, the reasons behind wearing masks on stage, the fine line between imitation and inspiration, and more.
“Bury You Breathing” will be released this Friday, July 27 in all online digital stores and streaming outlets