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Finding Relevance With LINDSAY ROSE From PRIMROSE PATH

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Being an emerging band anywhere in the world in the modern age is a battle of attrition.

Not only do you have to compete with the thousands of other bands releasing songs on a daily basis, but you also have to build a fan base while at the same time forging your own musical direction and finding your own musical identity.

“It’s supposed to be like a Siren in the ocean… A warning.”

Lindsay Rose

While many bands struggle with this, Perth outfit Primrose Path have managed to manage all of the above with aplomb and dignity in their short history, despite facing the added disadvantage of being from one of the furthest capital cities from the main music hub in Australia.

With the recent release of the single Irrelevance, Primrose Path walked a heavier direction to their grassroots sound of dark progressive metal, incorporating elements as diverse as djent and black metal into a mixing pot that already includes grunge, melodic metal and death metal.

And what’s more, Primrose Path nailed the proverbial out of it, delivering a song that perfectly encapsulates their growth as a band while also retaining enough success to their known and loved sound to keep existing fans happy.

HEAVY sat down for a chat with vocalist and lyricist Lindsay Rose earlier today to find out more.

“We recently released our song called Irrelevance,” she began, “which is a really big step up from our previous releases. We tactically had a change of drummer – if I can put it that way – about six months ago, just with a view of being able to up the ante of what we were doing rhythmically. Previously our emphasis has always been on the melodic aspect of progressive writing, but we thought if we want to be competitive in this market and also play the things that we really get off on playing then we need to get a little bit heavier. Irrelevance, I think, is a bit of a taste of what’s to come and is the first single off our debut album that we’re releasing.”

In the full interview, Lindsay talks more about the musical direction of Irrelevance and why they chose that path, the film clip and how it ties in with the song, finding your musical identity, their mixture of genres and how they make it work, their upcoming album, live shows and more.

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