Following their mysterious yet sudden rebirth, Sydney’s Wreath (formerly Legions) is poised to burn further ahead along a path uncompromising. Not so much diverging from a foundation deeply rooted in hardcore, the band has instead spread their glacial-like branches out into the more limitless horizons of extreme metal. ‘Revolutionary Suicide’ is the first piece of a meticulous, savage, and ultimately surprising debut full-length that will truly mark this statement beyond any reasonable doubt. With EVP Recordings (Psycroptic, Behemoth, Pagan) now partnered alongside their own Funerary Cult imprint, watch this space for more information on a late 2018 release shortly. Check it out.
In the meantime, Wreath will perform live this August on the below dates:
Friday August 3 – The Burdekin, Sydney
w/ Cast Down, Ploughshare, Deathbed
Saturday August 4 – Boney, Melbourne
w/ Cast Down, Cascades, Broken, Defenestration