It seems over the past twelve months that a lot of heavy music fans have become more accepting towards metalcore, well I’m here to say that German outfit To The Rats And Wolves are about to blur that line between electronic and hardcore music a little more. Having said that though I have to admit that their way of doing it is a lot more clumsy than the way that most metalcore bands have gone about doing it recently.
While good metalcore bands seemingly meld electronic and hardcore music together seamlessly that can’t be said for To The Rats And Wolves. The first two tracks on their new album Cheap Love do get off the right start but then it is downhill from there. The title track gives the hint that maybe they are the right road to producing something unique and then ‘Therapy’ starts off with some cruisey R&B before the harder edge to the track declares they are heading back to therapy, but that seems to be the sad thing for Cheap Love as an album, there are no grey areas where the poppy side and the hardcore side co-exist it is either black or white.
As if to prove that point ‘All The Things’ is dancy and completely electronic while the following track, ‘Never Stop’ is as brutal as all hell. Sadly tracks like ‘Friendz’ are few and far between. That track is clearly the best track on the album and for a moment To The Rats And Wolves are the metalcore you want them to be with the perfect mixture from both worlds.
Before you know the album takes a full turn towards the pop electronic side. Forgetable songs like ‘Look What You Made Us Do,’ ‘True’ and ‘Famous’ litter the album. ‘Cure’ puts up a little bit of resistance and again shows some hope but it is quickly washed away by plain tracks like ‘Down’ or ‘B.I.C.’ which regretfully tries to bring band the hardcore with profanities but instead ends up sounding like a sad attempt at a boy band swearing.
As far as metalcore goes this is an album to forget. There is not right mix of electronic and hardcore here and for the most part heavy music fans will be avoiding more tracks than they stop to listen to.