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The Blessings Of Music With TAKA From MONO

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Veteran Japan-based instrumental rock band MONO have released their latest album Oath, a reflection on the past, present and future of the band and their music as well as a tribute to longtime friend and collaborator, Steve Albini.

Over a 71-minute runtime of Oath, MONO meditates on the theme of time and life in myriad ways. The unhurried evolution of a song that is a hallmark of MONO’s catalogue is infused with an air of elegance that elevates OATH to new heights.

HEAVY was recently afforded the honour of catching up with Mono orchestrator Taka for a chat over Iced Coffee while on a recent trip to Japan. Because it is a live recording the sound might be a little below what is expected from our interviews at times, but that’s half of the fun of meeting up in person, isn’t it…

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