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SVALBARD Getting Ready To RUN Down Under

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Hitting Australia for the very first time this May is Bristol, UK four-piece SVALBARD. Four albums deep, the band will tour in support of their 2023’s The Weight of The Mask. Uncompromising and highly charged, the record spans themes intrinsic to humanity, such as emotional strength and depression, to unrequited love and vulnerability, all while spanning a euphoric and unique musical blend of black metal, post-rock, and d-beat hardcore.

It’s this diversity that sees the band able to tour with such iconic genre greats as Enslaved and Cult of Luna. Positioned in a similar sonic realm is Melbourne “blackened post-metalcore” group RUN who will join the band for this debut Australian adventure. Having just completed a massive regional tour with The Amity Affliction and a new release in the process of rolling out, this is sure to be a fiery pairing not to be missed.

Dave Griffiths recently sat down for a chat with Liam from Svalbard to find out what they are most excited about when it comes to heading Down Under.

You can take a listen to the interview right here:

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