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Sneering In The Face Of Insanity With WILL WRIGHT From PAST THE FALL

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UK-based groove/grunge/melodeath outfit Past The Fall have spent the last couple of years consolidating themselves and their music since the release of their debut album From Insanity’s Ruin in June 2021.

It is an album that has laid the foundations for a global assault on the back of crushing riffs, beautifully chaotic music and an eclectic blending of sounds and genres not usually commandeered with such telling authority by bands in their relative infancy.

“We’re probably going to move into more of a singles format and then collate it.”

Will Wright

Formed in 2011 by childhood friends Will Wright (bass, vocals) and Tom Cope (guitar, vocals) Past The Fall soon released their debut EP Beggars At The Liars Banquet and found immediate interest with their aggressive approach and confident delivery.

Some eight years elapsed between the EP and the debut album, allowing Past The Fall time to reflect on their early achievements and redirect their focus to the parts of music that provided them with a challenging environment and musical satisfaction.

The result is From Insanity’s Ruin, an album referred to by the band as “both a fresh start and a fantastic example of all our year’s life experience”.

Now, with time rapidly fading since that breakthrough album, Wright joined HEAVY for a chat about the past, present and future of Past The Fall. One of the topics was the success of From Insanity’s Ruin and if the band was confident that they had made something special at the completion of recording.

“Definitely,” he said confidently. “It was a real labour of love because before we had struggled with studios and trying to get what we wanted and in the end we built our own studio. The guitarist produced the album, and it just took a really long time to do (laughs). It turns out it’s fucken really complicated, who knew (laughs). But it paid dividends because the cool thing was we were not on the clock with having to pay for it, which was cool. It gave us a chance to really find our sound. We had pieces and idea and stuff, so it actually took a lot of work, but it was like that watershed where you’re like, okay, now we’ve got our sound. For example, we’re recording material now, and it’s coming out way quicker because we know how to use the studio. We cut our teeth doing that record, so it was a real labour of love. It’s kind of like a love letter, or a hate letter to the world (laughs).”

In the full interview, Will talks about the sonic differences between the EP and album, whether that shift was intentional and planned, using albums as a snapshot of a period of your life, the next 10 years sonically of Past The Fall, producing the album in house and the pros and cons of that, new music and more.

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