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SITHLORD Release Lyric Video ‘Next In Line’

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Melbourne’s Sci-fi Thrashers Sithlord release the opening track ‘Next In Line’ in the form of an animated lyric video by YOD Multimedia. The song has been taken from their current album From Out Of The Darkness.

“All my lyrics are fictional based short stories. This one is about a couple of Jedi’s discussing the Emperor’s new hit list that has been handed to all the Sith Lord’s to exterminate them all from the galaxy. In the tradition of Order 66.” says guitarist/vocals Saundies about the song.

For those who are unaware of Sci-Fi Thrash but love Metal and Star Wars, this is your music. May the Thrash be with you, turn up the volume and make sure you are NOT the Next In Line!

May the Darkside of the Force be with you always and Thrash Til Death!

Watch ‘Next In Line’ below

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