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Golden Robot Records

25 August 2023

Shepherds Reign are a band packed with might and power.

The five-piece Polynesian outfit from South Auckland, NZ, are a melting pot of influences and sounds. Their lyrics are almost exclusively sung in Samoan, and musically they deliver thundering, pulsing, pure metal that carries those lyrics with intensity.

Samoa O La’u Fesili opens the album. It is a traditional Samoan song, which has a tribalistic and spiritual feel, hinting that the listener is about to embark on a journey into the culture of Shepherds Reign and their ancestors. The album closes in a similar fashion with Mo’omo’ogo Sa Molia.

The first track is Aiga. As far as opening tracks go, this is perfection. I challenge you not to be drawn in by this song; from the very first second, it commands your attention. I have no idea what vocalist Filiva’a James is singing, but I can tell the message is being delivered with strong conviction. The belligerent riffs, the thunderous drums and the tasty guitar solo will all be responsible for you pulling a “stank face” of approval before you’ve even realised you’re pulling one.

Throughout the record, the vocals are laced with striking harmonies behind the aggression; they offset the warrior-like tone of the lead vocal and instrumentation.

I debated writing a track-by-track review, but I decided against it, for fear that I would become too repetitive. In a nutshell, this is an incredibly solid album. There is a primal element to the songs that just get your head nodding and adrenaline pumping. I imagine witnessing these songs in a live setting would be nothing short of exhilarating.

The influences of classic metal are extremely apparent, but adding to the delicious recipe that is Shepherds Reign is the inspiration the band members have drawn from genres like pop and classical music.

Whilst I decided not to give you a track-by-track review, there are a handful of songs that I feel deserve mentioning.

The titular track, Ala Mai, has riffs for days and enormous drums, and is nothing short of anthemic. There is a definite Sepultura vibe to this song. This is definitely my favourite song on the record. It’s just ballsy AF and is everything a strong metal song should be.

Cold Summers Night is one of the few songs sung in English. It’s a slow, acoustic track with a striking vocal performance that highlights Filiva’a’s versatility and a gentler, vulnerable side. As the song progresses it junctions into heavier rock, with a timeless-sounding guitar solo.

Nafanua, which was released as a single on August 4, is a song that was written for the mosh pit. It’s punchy, slightly manic and has a driving groove that just makes you want to jump up and down and pump your fists. Vocally, it has a subtle foreboding tone that, for me, conjures up images of calling upon ancient spirits.

I could have plunged myself into the waters of research to discover the stories behind the songs that were sung in foreign tongue, but I chose to experience the feel of the music first and foremost and allow it to connect with me enough to entice me to venture with it further. Suffice to say, after three listens from start to finish, I’m certainly eager to gain insight into the meanings and stories of the songs on Ala Mai. I have a strong feeling there’s a lot going on here, that these songs aren’t just angry rants, or simple love songs, but deeper pieces of art with stories to tell.

If you’re not one to do any deep diving into the narrative behind songs, I promise you, this album will not decrease in appeal. The music and overall feel transcend language barriers, and Ala Mai can be enjoyed for the energy alone.

There should be a lot of richly deserved hype around this record. Shepherds Reign are a force to be reckoned with, and you’ll regret sleeping on this one, so my suggestion is just don’t do that.

Ala Mai embodies everything that is at the core of heavy metal; raw emotion, thunderous grooves, big, dirty riffs, smashing solos, meaty bottom end and dominating vocals.

*All reviews in HEAVY are just one person’s opinion of the album. We encourage honesty in reviews but just because our reviewer may or may not like/appreciate an album, that doesn’t mean their opinion is right! We encourage you to have a listen for yourself and make up your own minds!*

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