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Seizing The Moment With ARAMIS JOHNSON From ENUMCLAW

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“I think we have got to a point as a band that a lot of things are starting to happen musically.”

Aramis Johnson

Tacoma, Washington’s outfit Enumclaw released their second album Home In Another Life late last month, taking another musical step forward in their short, but promising career.

Home in Another Life is the natural expansion of the high-octane rock foundation Enumclaw built with their widely-praised 2022 debut album Save The Baby, coming across as louder, faster and more confronting than their debut while also enjoying the subtle nuances of music that make it resonate on so many levels.

HEAVY sat down with vocalist Aramis Johnson earlier today to discuss the album in greater detail, starting with the early reception for Home In Another Life.

Really good,” he smiled. “I feel like… I’m not really on the internet any more, so I don’t know what people are saying on line, but in real life it’s been really cool. I ran into a couple of people all over town who I don’t know personally and who are saying that they really like it so that means something, right?”

We ask about the album musically.

We were pretty much just trying to do something that was a lot more direct,” he measured, “and not over-produced. We did it in four days; we did the drums in one day, then spent two days doing guitars and bass and a day doing vocals. We were trying to… not completely replicate the Steve Albini sound… but that was definitely our North star. Big drums, well recorded guitars and the sound of the band in the room and not doing too much studio magic.”

In the full interview Aramis discussed the musical nature of Home In Another Life in greater detail, the singles released and how they paint a sonic picture, how it is a natural expansion of their 2022 debut album Save The Baby, the title and how it connects everything, what has changed with Enumclaw between albums, finding your musical identity and more.

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