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SCANDAL TREE Release New Single ‘BWS’

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Scandal Tree is proud and eager to announce the immediate release of their follow-up single, BWS.

BWS is a song that original vocalist, Jase and Rip jammed on before the formation of Scandal Tree in 2019.

‘We belted out the structure during our hiatus from a band environment as a duo. Eventually, we formed Scandal Tree and BWS over time took on a new life‘ (Rip Ryder, founder and resident tub thumper). “BWS was written when both, Jase and Rip, worked in the liquor industry. We posed a deep and meaningful theological question. Is there really a party in hell, and if so, will there be beer and wine there?

I mean most of us are heading there anyway if you read the Good Book… and it’s supposed to be the party place, right? Well, after we’ve gone through our obligatory hellish torments for the day. Even those once a week churchie goers, or religious do gooders, are probably heading there too, because if you’re only going to worship out of fear or doing good deeds out of a perceived reward then that’s not proper religious devotion. One should be doing these things for the simple goodness of the act. So, why fight it and just come and join us at the party😛“.

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