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Melbourne melodic death metal outfit Orpheus Omega have built a solid name based on their energetic and frenetic live performances.

Which is why not playing for long periods of time due to recent world events put a massive strain on the band. So much so that Orpheus Omega spent their time looking inwards and re-evaluating their growing footprint on the musical landscape.

The band also used their downtime to good creative effect, laying the platform for what would become their latest EP Portraits.

“We’re always happy to play the off Friday and Saturday night shows, we just need the punters to come out and meet us halfway too.”

Leon Monaco

A freshly unique take on things whereby each of the five band members contributed one song each to the EP, Portraits is a deeply personal and liberating album for Orpheus Omega that has resonated with music lovers everywhere.

After having played only one show earlier this year to celebrate the EP’s release, Orpheus Omega are about to set off on the Riff N Tour with rockers Triple Kill, starting on August 25 and winding its way around the length and breadth of this country before finishing up in late September.

Bass player Leon Monaco joined HEAVY to talk more about music and touring.

“Oh man, I am so excited,” he gushed. “We have only played one show all year for 2023, but that’s because we have been putting all of our eggs into this tour basket. We cannot wait to get out there and have this awesome month long adventure.”

We ask Monaco how he prepares himself mentally and physically for a tour of this magnitude.

“I guess step one is make sure you have enough work leave,” he laughed. “Musically, I just did Dry July, so I have worked on myself and a couple of the other band members have been hitting up the gym and bulking up a little, just to try and get healthier and fitter so we can move around and jump around on stage without our old man backs complaining. As soon as the tour begins we always do our best to eat well during the days, even if we’re having a couple of beers or whatever happens at night, during the day we realise we still need to be adults. We’re not 12 anymore (laughs), we’re not 21 anymore, we can’t do this to ourselves so we look after each other and look after ourselves.”

The tour is spread out over more than a month, with Monaco having good justification for playing mainly on weekends.

“I find if we have an international band come in anyone will come out on a weeknight to see the international band,” he mused, “because they’re here, you have to see them. Whereas capitalising on those weekends is definitely an easier way to do it when you’re an Australian band, and you’re up against all the other Australian bands. Weekends are definitely where it’s at. We don’t mind travelling midweek, we kinda like it. I think one of our shows in Gold Coast is on a Thursday and then there’s a Sydney one on a Sunday. We’re always happy to play the off Friday and Saturday night shows, we just need the punters to come out and meet us halfway too.”

In the full interview, Leon talks more about the tour and what to expect, touring with Triple Kill and why they are the perfect touring partners, their latest EP Portraits and each member writing a song each, each of those songs analysed individually, what’s next for Orpheus Omega and more.

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