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Brisbane rock is alive and well and in good hands if the quality of bands assembling for Infectious Rogues‘ EP launch at The Paddo in Brisbane is anything to go by.

Normally the home of The Comedy Club and many refreshing pre and post State Of Origin beers, The Paddo opens its doors this Sunday, April 23 to a stack of local hard rock and metal outfits who have gleefully claimed the downstairs party dungeon as property of metal – for this Sunday at least.

Hard rock outfit Infectious Rogues dropped their EP The Alpha Display last week, and this weekend celebrate its arrival with a special launch party which will also play host to legendary Brisbane metal outfit Dreamkillers, rapidly rising rock machine PistonFist and local party outfit Palladone, with Roach Toasters fresh on the chopping block and primed for action!

HEAVY caught up with Infectious Rogues lead guitarist Nozz on the eve of the launch to find out what to expect and share the joy at having live music back at The Paddo.

“It’s awesome,” he nodded. “It’s been a long time since they had anything there, but everyone remembers the good times, so hopefully the good vibes will return. It’s perfect for what we’re doing.”

With The Alpha Display being released last week we ask Noz how the early reception has been.

“Pretty positive so far,” he smiled. “Obviously, it’s early days yet, but it’s been well received. We consider ourselves a hard rock vibe, but we do dig into the realm of traditional metal. Heavy metal is such a broad category, isn’t it? I’d just like to get it back to being one label, but we play to what our influences are and what we feel. We just wanted to make something that had a rocking feel to it.”

In the full interview, Noz talks us through the EP more, gives us two songs as an introduction to Infectious Rogues, gives a bit of history on the band, discusses the other bands on the line-up and why they are there, what to expect from their show, new music and more.

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