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REGURGITATOR Release New Single ‘This Is Not A Pop Song’

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Regurgitator’s tenth studio album INVADER makes land fall and air move on APRIL 26. And they tumble no drier with first earworm, This Is Not A Pop Song featuring long-term friend and pop-cult compadre, Peaches… poppin’ your way today.

Pop goes the culture! Like a stun to the head, it leaves one careering across the highway of a never-ending invasion of cultural detritus… strewn across the landscape of your mind with blips and beeps and repetitive phases.

“Pop was the baby I meant to leave on the doorstep of the orphanage but whose wailing pierced my heart, coercing me into the servitude of unplanned parenthood. It was that pink plastic car sitting in the middle of the hallway which, in the half light of dawn, I tripped over and made yelp in its 8 bit ‘white’ reggae. It was one short amnesia after another, one more return to Oz, one more glance across the cabin of a crowded train to meet the eyes of a stranger just long enough to allow a tentative exchange of knowing smiles, only to then reach my stop and be spewed out onto the platform in a sluice of my fellow commuters.” said Regurgitator, guitar player and vocalist Quan Yeomans.


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