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POISON IDEA’s JERRY A Releases Solo Album

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“There are many bands, each one sounds completely different…” admits Jerry A, talking about various projects of his.

Despite the glory of being a founding member of Poison Idea, the vocalist has made a successful career as a member of various projects and active collaborator. Crime Scene from Belgium that gets influences from Bay-Area thrash-metal scene. Savage Beat from Amsterdam, with obvious rock-n-roll influences. Big Stick ‘Skinny Puppy meets Cramps. Lee Hazelwood, Motorhead, a BLITZ cover sung by Joy Division’ – explains the vocalist adding: “It’s a crazy mix of what I consider the best music around”.

Despite the glory of being one of the most recognizable voices in punk-rock, Lang has managed to build a strong reputation outside his activities as the lead vocalist of Poison Idea – collaborating with everybody from Soft Kill to The Ransom. The vocalist describes his process of work with other artists as something natural: “I totally get off on throwing ideas off others and creating. Sometimes it’s just natural” Jerry stresses: “It comes easy and if feels like you can do it in your sleep”.

Talking about the nature of his upcoming solo LP, Jerry A looks back in time on a series of events that lead to the birth of a solo artist: “I was asked years ago to sing on a Dare To Defy song, a cover of an old punk band YDI. That came out as a single. It came and went. The Hard-Ons from Australia asked if I would write a song with them. They wrote the music – I wrote the lyrics. It was brutally good. People in America never heard it because it was on a European label. Other bands, other releases….” continues Lang talking about his upcoming solo release, From The Fire Into The Water. The vocalist describes the upcoming release as something he takes as ‘a rebirth’ rather than restart, after Poison Idea went on hiatus a few years ago.

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