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Orpheus Omega: ResIllusion

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It goes without saying that an album should be judged on its own merits, however when taking into context the already astounding output by young Melbourne Melodeath thrashers Orpheus (or Orpheus Omega as they’re now known) one can’t help but be impressed if not astonished.

So should you listen to their sophomore release, ResIllusion? If your proclivities steer towards the melodic death genus, then you’ll likely find this album in your top five list for 2013. That being said, this is not just reserved for the Swedish niche, if you like your metal brutal yet accessible, ResIllusion is most certainly worth your time.

The band wastes no time in fading their way into a welcome message that states nothing less than “How huge is our production?” That’s not to take the piss; this is possibly the most bitching guitar tone coupled with the hugest drum sound you’ll hear this year, courtesy of the Themelco brothers. A triumph over their previous album Bleed the Way which was already a remarkable debut by anyone’s standards. The entire album is an aural onslaught from start to finish; as to whether or not this is a positive is in the ear of the beholder. The track, De6enerate, displays more of the band’s subtle work. Featuring a tasteful clean guitar intro with melodic vocals, executed laudably, it’s a wonder moments like this weren’t featured more throughout the album to add more light and shade. However bombastic, the songs are still well crafted as if by musicians with decades of experience. If their mission was to create brutal thrash odyssey that will leave your mosher’s neck in tatters, then they passed with “flying V’s” (had to say it, sorry).

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