Southern Californian quartet Movements have had the career that most bands would kill for. Formed by a group of friends for the love of music and then signed to a major label after just one gig a band could not dream of a better beginning to a career.
Since then the post-hardcore group have soared the charts, toured the world and even joined the prestigious Warped tour. The only thing it seems they haven’t done is tour Australia, but that is about to change this August when Movements hit our shores for the first time and that is something that the band is very much looking forward to,
“We are extremely excited,” said front-man Patrick Miranda when HEAVY Mag recently caught up with him. “Australia has been one of the markets that we have been trying to tour for a very long time. It has been on my top list of places that I have wanted to tour for awhile… pretty much ever since we started this band. So we couldn’t be any more excited and the fact that we are heading over as a headliner is extremely amazing because that it is not something that we would have expected to be able to do that for our first time over there. So we are so pumped and even more pumped to be able to bring Eat Your Heart Out with us and we are just so excited to see what Australia has in store for us.”
I can’t help but ask him what it is about our great country that makes Movements want to tour here so badly. “Honestly, I have only heard great things about Australia and touring there,” Miranda says. “I have always heard that the shows there are incredible and that the people are amazing. I have heard that bands go there and have the most awesome time so I don’t know why bands wouldn’t want to tour Australia because it sounds like such an amazing place to be. We have wanted to come there for so long that we find it surprising when we hear that bands don’t want to because every band that I have ever spoken to has said that it is their favourite place to go there… I think the mistake is sometimes that people think that bands skip Australia because they don’t care but they don’t realise the huge financial costs to come to Australia, and that is one of the reasons that we haven’t been there earlier because we haven’t been able to afford it up until now. It is not that we don’t care, it can just be really difficult.
Movements hit Australia in August. Ticketing information is below.