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After the debacle that causes the music industry to shut down last year, Brisbane’s Moondoll Festival returns this weekend, June 4, at the Mansfield Tavern, spread over 2 stages and featuring a great selection of rock, punk and metal guaranteed to appeal to music lovers of all tastes.

As part of HEAVY’s ongoing support of Moondoll, we asked some of the bands playing a list of questions to help get you acquainted with the bands before they take the stage.

Today we speak with Fumarole

HEAVY: Moondoll 2022 is nearly upon us. Does it seem surreal that after all of the events of the last 2 years you will finally get to take the stage?

F: Hell yeah it does. It’s so cool events like this are back and MoonDoll has really stepped it up. It’s awesome to feel live music is back and we can all start enjoying each other again!

What does it mean to you to be playing Moondoll? 

We’re psyched to be playing. Last year was awesome and I had a killer time as a punter so to be included as an artist this time round is really special. We’re fresh out of the studio with new songs to unleash onto the crowd.

It’s a long day of music. What will you be doing to make sure you will still be standing come your set time? 

The old tactical water never goes astray! I think the game plan is to save the heavy’s for stage 

Give me your Top 3 Festival survival tips

Make sure you eat, have some water as well as beers and prep for the bang-over the next day.

Which band – other than yourself – do you think will get up to the most mischief on the day? 

Eat city. They just look like trouble haha

What song do you think the crowd would want you to play to finish your set? 

Ghost Smoke. It’s been a finisher of ours for a while. Its got a great movement to it.

What song are you actually going to play? 

Mothership. It’s got this riff that just wants to be played forever. Gonna be wild

What one song would you tell festival goers to listen to of yours, if they haven’t heard you play before?

War cry because it’s a strong song. Our new stuff has become much heavier so it’s probably the best one of Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes. Just expect our set to be a more aggressive with some of the new ones we’re playing now 

Finally, what plans does your band have for the rest of 2022? 

Release a new single or two hopefully the album time permitting. Head down south to play some interstate shows. And we should have a new music video out. 

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