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Michael Schenker Interview

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If you love your loud guitar playing and you know your hard rock and metal then chances are you have discovered Michael Schenker over the years. Schenker is the guitarist’s guitarist. A man who forged who his career with might Scorpions before amassing album sales over the years with a range of solo projects. Now he is back with a brand new album Resurrection by Michael Schenker Fest. Heavy Mag was lucky enough to be able to sit down with Michael and chat about how this album has come together.

“I don’t really call it writing,” he says when we ask him about how he puts his ideas together for the album. “I also don’t practice, I call it play and discover. It’s life a re-creation of what I have been putting together. I go back over what I have been doing and then there are normally little bits and pieces, a riff or something, and I put them on a cassette recorder and then I put them away. Then when it is time to make a record I start to listen to what I have put together and then I get inspired and I’ll be like “oh yeah this riff” and then I get inspired to write what I call the connection to it and then you have a song. But I just write the music, then I go into the studio and put down all the music, what I call the blueprint of it and then I put down all my guitar and then I’ll put the keyboards and whatever I need to do and that leaves everybody with a very clear picture of where I am trying to get this so then the singers and musicians know whether this is a guitar based song etc, is it a slow song – so I make it very clear what I want.”

You can listen to the rest of the Michael Schenker interview right here.

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