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Master Of Ceremonies With GLEN BENTON From DEICIDE

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“If I did then everybody would be crying about that too.”

Glen Benton

While the fact that most things can, and invariably do, change with the times, there are certain – but not many – elements that resist.

In music, you would be hard-pressed to find a band who has not experimented with or tried to cater to the ever-evolving tastes of music consumers, but there’s one above all others who you could unreservedly say has not even tried.

Not one iota.

That band is US death metal legends Deicide, led by Glen Benton, who have spent their entire 35-year existence beating to the tune of their own drum without thought nor care for what was going on in the world around them.

With the recent release of their 13th studio album Banished By Sin, Deicide have further enhanced their status as immortals of the metal realm, producing an album that is a testament to the band’s unwavering commitment to their craft, promising a collection of tracks that are both ferocious and unapologetically blasphemous.

HEAVY recently sat down with the elusive Benton to find out more.

“Pretty amazing, man,” he offered when asked how fans have responded to the album. “A lot of people are losing their shit over it.”

We ask him about the album musically.

“We went through the whole COVID bullshit thing with everybody else, and we had a lot of time on our hands,” he shrugged, “so we put together a record. We’re not on contract, so we were just writing for the fun of it.”

In the full interview, Glen talks more about the aggressive nature of Banished By Sin, whether it becomes easier or harder to come up with new material the more you release, recording the album to produce more of a live sound, getting back to their roots, sticking to their style and vision despite changing world trends, the early days of Deicide and where the band fit in, his early vision and how it has changed since, their debut self-titled album and if it was intended to shock the system, tour plans and more.

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