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LEAVING JORDAN Drop New Single ‘Apex’

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APEX is Leaving Jordan’s third release from their Better Late Than Never EP. It is the electrifying culmination of all that defines Leaving Jordan’s unique indie rock sound.

Lyrically, Apex looks at family hierarchy through the eyes of a young man. Challenging for top position, providing for one’s family and realising how easily your best intentions can often rebound. Through themes of isolation and kinship, Leaving Jordan put a sledgehammer through the walls of toxic masculinity and share their story the only way they know how.

The depth of the lyrics is exaggerated by wide, eerie, building soundscapes, driven home with huge, catchy, riffs and breakdowns. The drums and guitars forcing the emotion of the song down your ears. The breakup and rasp of the vocals, as the song crescendos, further drives home the rawness and vulnerability from which the themes of the song are drawn.

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