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HEAVENSGATE Run Through New EP Track By Track

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Melbourne hardcore outfit Heavensgate will drop their debut EP And All I Loved, I Loved Alone via Greyscale/1126 Records on February 24 and to help you prepare for the musical onslaught the band have prepared a detailed track-by-track evaluation for your reading pleasure.

Check out the track-by-track analysis below.

  1. COMFORT IN THE SLOW DEATH: This EP is a project born out of the human condition to hurt, grieve and heal. COMFORT IN THE SLOW DEATH is a track which deals with addiction and being stuck in a never ending spiral with what appears to be no way out. It is the perfect opener to the EP as it is attention grabbing and straight to the point.
  2. SHEMOVESLIKETHUNDER: SHEMOVESLIKETHUNDER is a personal song written through reflection of a past relationship. The experience of suffering through drug addiction and self-destructive habits as a coping mechanism, whilst also having a lover in a fragile state, who desperately looks to you for support, comfort and stability whilst they struggle through their own mental health issues. The lyrics are a personal acknowledgment of faults and regrets, poured into an open letter.
  3. CHEMICAL HEAVEN: CHEMICAL HEAVEN is an extremely personal song, painting a picture of emotions experienced while caring for a loved one as they traverse the many difficult stages of physical and mental trauma, as well as the healing process after sexual assault. The song itself does not lean towards taking a stab at perpetrators of violent crimes, but rather shines light on the after effect that takes place in the life of victims, in themes such as self-medicating, grief, loss of identity and the ripple effect that carries on after a loved one suffers through abuse.
  4. GINSICK: GINSICK is the first glimpse of a more personal and vulnerable side of HEAVENSGATE,
    showcasing our sonic diversity as a group. Exploring the aftermath of a failed relationship, the process of self reflection, grief after loss and acceptance are conveyed within a personal, open and unfiltered letter to a past lover. At the climax of the track it ends with a unique section of clean vocals and harmonies performed by Nazareth Tharratt and Joshua Ang, leaving the door open for what will be heard on the EP ahead.
  5. LOVERSDANCE: LOVERSDANCE builds on the foundations that the previous track GINSICK setup. It is our first song which bends genres not exactly being categorised as a “heavy” track but it still retains those strong emotions that listeners engaged with through the previous songs. Conceptually it concludes the story of heartbreak started in SHEMOVESLIKETHUNDER and GINSICK.
  6. SYMBIOTIC SUICIDE: SYMBIOTIC SUICIDE is very much about escaping an abusive individual, in this case being a parent. Exploring what it is like trying to grow up whilst being in an ever- changing state of safety, is a certain kind of uneasiness that we tried to portray instrumentally with our contrasting ambient and heavy guitar driven sections. It’s quite a powerful track which is why it is the closing track on the EP. Instrumentally it mirrors the opening track COMFORT IN THE SLOW DEATH, as it is to the point and holds nothing back.

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