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I know next to nothing about Colors Of Autumn except they are metal and the song they have sent me to listen to is their live set closer.

Homesick starts off well, harsh vocals laying the landscape with softer cleans coming underneath as a second vocal. It’s an interesting contrast that sees the harsh vocals dominate for a bit before the cleans rise up and dictate terms.

You can hear why this track works live with the opposing forces of good and evil in vocal terms, providing a back-and-forth of sorts that would cater to large portions of any crowd.

It is an interesting track in that the two differing vocals are that far apart they probably shouldn’t work, but somehow here they do. It’s almost as if they are waging a sonic battle with each other for supremacy and victory, but without the usual back and forth that would make it formulaic and expected.

Around the 2.40 mark, a tasty guitar solo springs to life, withdrawing into a repetitive lick that also acts as a segue into a calmer passage of music that eases into a harmonious passage before the guitar once more screams to life and summons the harsh side of Colors Of Autumn’s persona.

It all works well on this track, but it would be interesting to hear if this is Colors Of Autumn’s go-to, standard sound or if other songs are more predominantly one-sided vocally.

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