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GROOVER Review: ATOMIC FREAK ‘When It All Goes Down’

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Atomic Freak are two US and Brazilian disabled musicians who have kept the music flame burning despite their ailments, choosing to assemble a bunch of hand-picked musos to continue recording despite their ability to perform live being taken from them.

One brother writes the music and other writes the music and produces, does the videos and swag designs, then, they record the demos with the help of virtual instruments. Sound complicated? It wouldn’t be music if it wasn’t…

Citing their influences as AC/DC, Aerosmith and Judas Priest, Atomic Freak have the right credentials to be a hard rocking outfit, and as soon as the track When It All Goes Down kicks in with sultry bass and dirty guitars it becomes instantly obvious these guys pay strict homage to their influences.

But it’s when the vocal kick in that things really heat up. The singer is the closest to Bon Scott I have heard EVER – and I worked with the world’s premiere AC/DC tribute band ACCADACCA for 5 years!

Rather than focus on this one obvious strong point, Atomic Freak continue to explore the complete rock spectrum, harnessing strong elements of blues through the driving guitar play, with sound effects such as screeching cars added haphazardly to great effect.

This music is fantastic in its own right, but when you consider the path from initial planning to execution, it becomes all the more special.

This has lashings of blues, rock and hard rock in tantalizingly teasing commodities and shoots straight from the hip from its first breath to it’s last.

Quality stuff.

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