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Echoes Of The Future With MAT ROBINS From CICADASTONE

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“Any band has to change in order to stay relevant.”

Mat Robins

After showing their potential over two previous albums Chance Collide and Cold Chamber, Melbourne rock outfit Cicadastone are ready to seal the deal with their third long player Future Echoes, which is out now.

Taking the best bits and ideas from those first releases and putting them into the cauldron that is Cicadastone 2024, the band has created an album with a modern fresh edge, developing their own unique sound while staying truly authentic to the genre.

Vocalist Mat Robins sat down with HEAVY to tell us more.

“I’m so relieved,” he smiled when asked how it feels to get the new album out. “It’s been such a journey. As any band will know, from the process of writing through to pre-production through to recording through to mixing and mastering and releasing it takes a long time. To get to the point where we could finally put it out there and put it to bed so to speak, let it go, it’s great. We can move on as a band too.”

Being their third album, we ask Mat if the process gets easier or harder as you get further into your career.

“You’d think it would get easier, but I think it’s getting harder,” he measured. “We all have a lot of ties. We’re all busy doing things. I’d love to say we’re making a living out of music, but we’re not. The band is its own entity which we pour our heart and soul into. That said, we all have lives to live. This record was really hard to lock everyone down and find time where we could. It took a bit longer than it probably should have, but that’s just how it went.”

In the full interview, Mat talks more about Future Echoes, the single Take The Fall which Cicadastone released at the same time and why it was chosen to represent the album on release day, the other singles released and how they tie in with the album, the cover art and what it means, how Future Echoes differs musically to their debut album Chance Collide, their love for grunge music and decision to stick with it despite the changing trends of music, upcoming shows and more.

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