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DOG: Dog

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Words by Simon Russell-White

The Central Goldfields of Victoria was/is home to a lot of amazing musical outfits, these days it doesn’t even surprise me when I see or hear a band only to learn where they resided or in this case, reside. It’s an area full of raw hard-hitting talent. Bendigo’s own, DOG, are no exception and, lucky for us, have just dropped their long-awaited self-titled debut release.

If you love a bit of musical hot sauce with your Heavy/Prog/Sludge Rock, then this three-piece may be the metaphorical temperature tantalizer you just may be able to handle! Before I get into it, a bit of background on how this release came to be…..

After their debit show in 2022 supporting Norwegian Doom lords Hymm at the almighty Trash Cult in Eaglehawk, Dog hit the studio for the first time, recording 6 instrumental tracks live with Dav Byrne of Cement Pig (with brother Pete Byrne)/YLVA/Encircling Sea & Clagg at YeeHaa Studios in Strathdale, Bendigo.

After original singer Waigo left the band in 2023, Lachlan ‘Snags’ Edwards, Alex Davis (bass/vocals) and Pete Byrne (drummer/vocals) continued with Snags and Alex stepping on live vocals. The vocals were recorded by the remaining members at TVOG studios mid 2024, with all members contributing and adding their own flavour, making each track grow into its own.

Opening track Imposter takes all of 2 seconds to set the tone, or in this case the ‘drone tone’ that is to feature throughout this seven-track bulldozer tow truck of a release. It then settles into a more soulful journey with Snags giving the listener a feeling of wonderness, while the repeated line every breath I hear keeps it building with the tune launching back into the above-mentioned ‘drone tone’ with the vocals following suit. Catchy vocals, with a lasting impression makes for a solid opener.

Bones brings a moody rhythmic framework led by Alex and Pete – imagine a (good old days) smoke-filled bar low lit bar for this one as the vibe is over this track from beginning to end. There’s nothing better than hearing certain nuances in music that are only created when a band has spent the time working on their craft, Bones is an example of that, the slight delay on the vocals again only adds to the emotion of the song. A song that makes you want to sway in time to it.

I challenge anyone who gets to see Dog live to try and hold their beer without spilling a drop during the band’s first single entitled Structures. Clocking in at almost 7 minutes, this track is groovy and dead-set catchy. It begs the question, how does one hold a drink while breaking into a serious air guitar routine?

I cannot wait to hear this track live, and be sure to check out the clip in the link below.

Now, Dog ain’t no one-trick pony, and sure Sludge Rock can fall into a certain bpm range and bloody hell it’s great, but Dog offer a bit more with Like Embers – it’s gritty and peppery from beginning to end. Mentioning the classic gallop drum beat isn’t my attempt at a Dad joke with previous ‘pony’ reference, it’s simply me pointing out another example of Dog bringing the fat to the front! Geeyyyddddd on it!

These last two tracks are the stand-outs for me. It’s always joyful to hear a release with a strong ending, and both Whiskey and Tun Dog have all the trimmings that traditional ‘Doomesk’ demolition tracks have. The effect on the guitars in Whiskey actually does something to me, leaving me feeling entranced after each listen.

Having this release cranked on repeat in my car, these tracks forced my hand to turn them up to a crimson level. I need to not repeat as to why, but just to really drive it home, the thought of swaying to this entire release live would be an experience.

Be your own judge but I implore you to add Dog to your rotation of all things that make heavy music so magical!

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