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Director Eddie Lengyel interview about “THE CURSE OF LILITH RATCHET”

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It has been a crazy twelve months for  US screenwriter/director Eddie Lengyel. A couple of months ago we saw the release of his latest horror flick Mother Krampus 2: Sleigh Ride and now he is going through the motions again as The Curse Of Lilith Ratchet is about to drop onto Home Entertainment as well.

A champion at making films on a low-budget Lengyel recently sat down and had a chat to HEAVY Mag about the two films.

“You know it is funny,” laughs Lengyel when I ask where the idea of The Curse Of Lilith Ratchet came from. “There was this little line that we came up with, it was – Lilith Ratchet took a hatchet and put her lover’s head in the basket – and I said that to Stuart, Stuart is the distributor, and Stuart was like ‘I really love that, why don’t you make a movie about that for me?’ and I was like ‘Really?’ So it kind of just started out from a little verse like that and when the distributor liked it I decided to make a screenplay about it.”

That leads to the obvious question of how do you turn a nursery rhythm into a feature film? “You know I had always had it visualised as a ghost,” he says. “I had always visualised a ghost that had got her head cut off and I just had to work out how to put it into a story and once I had that I was able to put it into a screenplay. But it took twenty-five revisions and eight months of writing.”


To listen to the full interview with Eddie Lengyel in which he gives some great tips on making films on a low budget check out our Spotify channel.

The Curse of Lilith Ratchet is available on DVD from Walmart now and will shortly be available on Home Entertainment.

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