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With Thrashville set to erupt this weekend HEAVY thought it would be a great idea to introduce you to some of the local bands performing.

Today we catch up with CIVIC

H: You are performing at Thrashville 2023 over September 8 and 9. On a scale of 1 to 10 how excited are you and why?

C: Obviously a 10. I’ve not really been to the Hunter Valley before. Keen to see what it’s got to offer.

Thrashville is headlined by COG and Mammal, which of them are you most looking forward to sharing a stage with and why?

I don’t like to play favourites but I would have to say COG.

Of course, there are a host of other Australian bands on the line-up, which ones have you played with before?

DUST, Private Wives, Where’s Jimmy and Downgirl. All excellent bands each time I’ve seen them.

What can punters expect from your set?

A display of pure excellence and power. Visually beautiful, sonically majestic and spiritually profound. Punters will get to see a band at the peak of their technical abilities.

Thrashville is held pretty much in the middle of nowhere. How good is it going to be, being at one with nature at a music festival with no neighbours to upset?

I’m excited to reconnect with nature. Often we are lost in an ocean of grey and man made atrocities. Hopefully the sonic vibrations will rejuvenate the surroundings and we will be blessed with open arms by the all encompassing spiritual world.

The whole line-up is made up of Aussie bands. How important are festivals like this that don’t rely on International artists?

It is great to showcase local artists. Australia has always been gifted with musicians that hold up on the world stage.

It’s a two-day event, what are your top 5 survival tips?

Sleep when you’re dead.

Drink water.

Eat something.

Don’t be a freak.

Bring clean clothes for the ride home.

Tell us a bit more about your band.

We have been around for a few years. Been working really hard. Have just come back from a European tour and about to embark on a USA tour. Our live shows bring something different to the table compared to our recorded music. Both are important. But if you’re a fan of excellent music be sure to come watch.

What’s your most recent release and give us a link to it.

We released an album called Taken By Force earlier this year. We have some new music coming out very soon, so keep your eyes peeled.

1What song do you think your fans will want you to close your set with?

New Vietnam

What song will you close your set with?

You’ll have to come to find out….

At an event like this how much of a percentage is fun and personal enjoyment and how much is ‘work’?

It’s tough to distinguish the difference between fun and work when you get to play music for people. Obviously it’s a lot of hard work but the work in enjoyable… I would say 70/30

Your tip for the best live sets over the whole weekend from 1 to 5.

  1. CIVIC
  2. DUST
  4. COG

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