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BRIDGES ABLAZE Drop New Song ‘Never Too Late’

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Austin, Texas is arguably one of the greatest music cities in America. Known as the live music capital of the world, it’s home to some of the best venues, coolest music festivals and hottest new bands around.

The latest and greatest new band to emerge from this diverse and eclectic scene is Bridges Ablaze. The band began in the minds of Brien Allen and Ruben Zamora, two virtuoso guitarists who don’t bend their identity to any one idea. While clearly soaked in heavy metal, this band actively displays their influences ranging from Jazz, death metal and beyond.

Their latest single Never Too Late is a song about being on the edge. It is a song about being caught within the vice grip of an affliction. It is a song about struggling to see the light when one’s inner mental and emotional storm becomes too torrential to see through.

Be it depression, addiction, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, or trauma, these things can make life very difficult. This song is about facing those dark thoughts and obstacles, and outlasting them. This song is about never giving up in the fight against these inner demons. That is precisely the core message that Never Too Late is trying to convey – that it is truly never too late to change, that hope is always just beyond one’s fingertips, and that all anyone can do to actualize such hope is hold on.

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