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BEAST MACHINE Added To HEAVY Birthday This Sunday

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COVID has claimed another victim in the war against music, with We The Hollow succumbing to the dreaded bat disease and having to withdraw from Sunday’s HEAVY Birthday Bash at Mo’s Desert Clubhouse.

While we are completely bummed out by their inability to wear a mask in public, the good news is the mighty Beast Machine have filled the void and will be doing their best to bust your earholes.

The full line-up now is From Crisis To Collapse, Minds End, Void Matter, Goatzilla and Beast Machine.

Doors open at 2 pm with bands starting at 2.30 pm. The last band finishes at 7.30 pm, so you can even be home and tucked in at a reasonable hour ready for work the next day.

Kinda takes away your last excuse, doesn’t it?

We’re not going to reveal set times because every one of these bands is worth seeing, so you will just have to be there from first drinks to make sure you don’t miss out.

Pre-sale tix $20 so get on line and book them now at https://www.mosdesertclubhouse.com/events/heavy-10th-birthday

You can also get yourself discount drink specials, but only via the ticket link.

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