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River Black "River Black" Album cover

Spawned in the wake of Burnt By The Sun, metal veterans John Adubato (guitar) and David Witte (drums) have unveiled their newest sinister creation, River Black. Teaming up with bassist Brett Bamberger (Revocation), and vocalist Mike Olander, this self-titled debut hits the listener like a monster truck.

Encapsulating elements of modern metal, hardcore and death, and fusing them with classic thrash, this album will make the ears of any metal fan prick up. They have managed to create a sound that is menacingly massive. It is raw, and unabashedly aggressive, with each track possessing a powerful underlying groove that just makes you want to bang your head. From the crushing opening of Jaws, the album latches onto you like a vicious dog, with no letting go until the final fade of Everywhere.

The standouts are South By South, Boat, and #Victim, but make no mistake; there is enough here to suggest that this is a serious band, with some serious attitude. Fans looking for Burnt By The Sun or Revocation Mark II won’t find it here, but that’s not to suggest they shouldn’t check it out. Darker and heavier than the former, and less technical than the latter, River Black is a different beast worthy of your attention, and fans of either band will get something out of it. As too will lovers of thrash, hardcore and death metal.

In a genre that is often stagnant, and sub-dividing its fan base by creating, even more, sub-genres, River Black is the hidden gem you’ve been searching for!

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