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The Calm Before The Storm With JOE HENLEY From DHARMA

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“We hope to expose you to something a little bit different.”

Joe Henley

If there were ever two words (well, three technically) that should not go together, they would be Buddhism and death metal. In fact, the words almost naturally repel from each other just saying them out loud. But if there’s one thing the cheesy wave of Jean-Claude Van Damme movies taught us is to never say never, so when your path next crosses – or could even potentially cross – that of Buddhist death metal outfit Dharma cast aside everything you thought you knew of right and wrong and instead prepare for what has been widely dubbed as a “fascinating and brutal” experience.

And before you ask, Dharma aren’t one of those bands who saw something they thought would make a good gimmick and ran with it, they are actually from Taiwan and are practising Buddhists. Which means what you get is an impassioned and fully immersive experience of something you will likely never see again in your lifetime.

Unless Dharma tour again.

The band are making their way to Australia for the first time in November, dipping their toes in to gauge the response with just two select shows. But aren’t they both crackers!

Dharma make their debut Australian performance as part of Froth & Fury Festival in Adelaide on November 9 before heading to Melbourne the following day to play with Pestilence then heading home. Not a bad one, two for your first visit.

HEAVY took the opportunity to chat with vocalist Joe Henley earlier today to peel back the curtain of a band who embrace every passion in life and have blended them together to create something crushing and unique.

In the full interview, Joe expressed excitement about Dharma‘s first visit to Australia and their anticipation for the passionate fans and lively atmosphere. He also mentioned that they have high expectations for the tour and are looking forward to exceeding them. We discussed their excitement for Froth & Fury Festival and the bands they were looking forward to seeing. Joe emphasized the importance of building relationships with fans and the potential for long-lasting friendships.

He shared the history of the band, explaining Dharma was formed a few years ago by Jack, the band’s drummer, who has been a devout Buddhist since birth. He wanted to merge Buddhism with extreme metal, but faced challenges in finding like-minded individuals. Eventually, he managed to bring together members from various bands, including Andy from Demise, a death metal band, and Joe from Revilement and Stench of Lust. They created demos and presented them to Buddhist communities, who gave their blessing for the band to proceed. Dharma has since played shows in Taiwan, India, Hong Kong, Japan, and Australia, with their live shows described as fascinating and brutal. The band’s performances include a Buddhist nun, Master Cheng Yen, who begins the show with a blessing and sings in between songs. Joe emphasized that their goal is not to convert people, but to provide a unique experience that exposes attendees to something different.

Joe discussed the challenges of balancing tradition and innovation in their music, which combines metal and Buddhist elements. He mentioned that while it was initially daunting, they have found a more natural approach as they refine their sound. Joe also addressed concerns about potential backlash from traditionalists, stating that they have been generally welcoming and open-minded. He attributed this to the Buddhist tradition’s emphasis on intention and purity of motivation, which he believes comes through in their music and conduct.

Joe shared stories about Dharma’s shows, including a memorable one where a fan crowd-surfed in the lotus position, which became a recurring theme at their performances. HEAVY then asked Joe about some photos from their social media, which led to discussions about a show at a temple in the mountains, a traffic jam on New Year’s Eve, and their drummer’s massive drum set, plus more.

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