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[ALBUM REVIEW] Chase the Day – Tabula Rasa

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Chase the Day –  Tabula Rasa


Release Date: Out Now

Reviewed By: Jeremy Vane-Tempest

Damn it all to hell, I really wanted to like this album. I mean, I really really really wanted to like this album, and I just can’t. It’s got all the right things going for it: a unique vocalist, strong, creative musicianship, a focused thematic direction and a mix that could cut diamond, but it’s just missing that certain je ne sais quoi. That means ‘I don’t know what’ in French and it’s especially appropriate here because damned if I know what it is. All the pieces are there and it has no reason to not be awesome and then curtain comes down it just goes pffffffftttttttttt and keels over like felled tree.

It’s so frustrating because Chase the Day are so damn close and they have strong songs but I’ve listened to it about five times now and I honestly couldn’t tell you which song is which. Maybe that’s what it’s missing, that standout track. Or maybe it’s because it’s their first album and it’s always going to be a little iffy. Or maybe (and this is probably the real answer) I just don’t get it. I’m kind of dense with certain bands. For instance, I think that Tesseract are pretty ‘meh’ and that Neck Deep are incredible, despite all the people telling me how stupid that opinion is. So yeah, that’s probably the answer.

It’s not you, Chase the Day. It’s me. Go buy Tabula Rasa. Two thumbs up, I guess!


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