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Eths Are Streaming New Album ‘Ankaa’

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French modern metal stars Eths are streaming their complete forthcoming album Ankaa, which has been scheduled for release on April 22nd 2016 via Season of Mist.

Eths guitarist Staif Bihl comments: “Here we are, the entire album! I’m really glad to finally share it with everybody. Each song has its own universe and I have built Ankaa as a walk through these different atmospheres, like a passage from the oppressive darkness to soothing clarity. I tried to keep the essence of the band but, in the same time, to bring it in places where we’ve never been. I injected a big part of myself in this opus and I hope you’ll like it as much as we do!”

Ankaa Track Listing:
1. Nefas
2. Nihil Sine Causa
3. Amaterasu
4. Seditio
5. Nixi Dii
6. Vae Victis
7. HAR1
8. Sekhet Aaru
9. Kumari Kandam
10. Alnitak
11. Alnilam
12. Mintaka


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