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7000 Belgian Fans Request a Refund from Axl/DC Gig

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It has been reported in De Standard that up to 7,000 AC/DC fans who bought tickets to see the band perform in Belgium have requested a refund. The show will go ahead on 16 May in Werchter, Belgium and organisers Live Nation will release these tickets once again to the general public.

A similar offer has been made for other shows on the tour. When the refund offers were made, I doubt Live Nation or AC/DC would have seen this coming. Sure, there has been some backlash on the Axl Rose appointment, but I would have thought the naysayers would have turned up hoping for a train-wreck! Instead, they have plonked their ticket back on the counter and demanded their money back, and maybe left Angus and the boys scratching their heads wondering if indeed they did make the right choice.

The gig in Portugal on 7 May is really important for the band for the sake of the rest of the tour now. If it’s not up to what the AC/DC fans expect, there will be backlash and it will be swift. We wait with baited breath for the early reviews in just a few days’ time. Whatever you do Axl, don’t be bloody late!

Check out the footage below of what appears to be Rose and AC/DC rehearsing for the Portugal show.

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