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Musical Deception With SIANA DAVIS From KRAVE

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“We’ve introduced seven-string guitar as well, so it’s getting heavier.”

Siana Davis

If work ethic and dedication to your craft were the only parameters of success in the music industry, then Brisbane hard rock outfit Krave would already be nestled comfortably somewhere towards the upper regions of the proverbial tree. The trio have spent most of their short existence playing anywhere and everywhere they could, offsetting that essential drive with a steady succession of powerful and catchy singles that have provided a strong platform from which to launch their assault.

After spending the past 18 months focussing more on the live aspect of their tenure – which included support slots for Suicidal Tendencies and Avatar – Krave have now turned their sonic gaze back to writing and recording, with a stronger sense of self-belief and trust in their ability that only time on the road can bring.

Today, May 23, sees Krave release their first new music since December 2022 in the form of the single Charade, a song that highlights the band’s growth and belief and reflects a harder edge that has laid simmering gently beneath the surface in previous years.

HEAVY caught up with vocalist/bassist Siana Davis to find out more.

“It is such an epic one,” she explained of Charade. “It’s a new kind of sound for Krave and explores lots of deep topics within the music itself, and we are amazed with the production of the song. We’ve hit a whole new level as a band.”

After a prolonged absence from releasing music, we ask Siana if she feels any extra pressure stepping back into the limelight again.

“It’s quite nervous getting back out there,” she laughed. “We’ve been playing so many shows last year and we have been so busy. We’ve been saying we have to release new music soon and everyone has been ‘when’s it coming?’ (laughs).”

In the full interview, Siana tells us more about Charade from a musical point of view, the deep lyrics and Krave‘s consistency when it comes to writing engaging and substantial music, how their sound has changed to reflect the band’s recent growth, if Charade is a stand-alone track or part of a bigger picture, what direction new music will take, reaping the benefits of sustained touring, upcoming shows and more.

Charade will premiere via HEAVY at 5pm today, May 23. Check out the special preview clip below and pre-order the single here: https://lnk.to/CharadebyKrave

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